Two years and 82 tons of food!

The Saluda Pop-Up Pantry is celebrating it’s second anniversary this month. An initiative of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, the Pantry is now an independent 501c3 non-profit organization supported by hundreds of Saluda area neighbors.

Since it’s inception July 9, 2019, the Pantry has distributed over 183,000 pounds of food, enough to provide over 152,500 meals according to figures used by its partners, MANNA Foodbank and Feeding America.

The Pantry and its guests are thrilled to be open for indoor, guest-choice shopping once again. Pantry hours have been extended to 1:00-6:00pm every Tuesday. Part of the Pantry’s mission is to encourage healthy eating habits; Luanne Matson is implementing a new labeling system which identifies food low in sodium, added sugars, and unhealthy fats.

The new Farm to Neighbor Program which buys fresh produce directly from local farms has received generous funding from the Dogwood Health Trust and the Pisgah Health Foundation which will allow the program to provide fresh fruits and vegetables this summer and throughout the fall and winter. The bounty of beautiful produce picked at the height of flavor and nutrients is a wonderful sight to behold! Cooking demonstrations, recipe instructions, and sampling of food prepared from the Pantry’s ingredients will be a part of summer Pantry days.

Each week, the Health and Wellness Committee provides helpful information ranging from assistance in applying for food stamps, names of free medical and dental clinics, free blood pressure checks, and a listening ear as the first step to working through difficulties that may arise with our guests.  A favorite from last year, the Saluda Garden Club will give homegrown garden bouquets and herbs to our guests.

Current need: The Pop-Up Pantry is collecting paper products—toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, napkins—to stock our shelves. There are no resources to purchase these items at a reduced cost, so the Pantry is asking for donations. Please bring your donations to the Pantry on Tuesdays between 11:00am and 6:00pm at the Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 54 Carolina Street, right behind the Saluda Library.

And come visit us! The Pop-Up Pantry is a happy place where you will find “Friends Sharing with Friends” and “All are Welcome”!


Needed: Paper products and toiletries


Dogwood Trust Funds Farm to Neighbor Program